Monday 2 February 2015

Standing Pose

In this session on the 15th December 2014 we were drawing the life model in a standing pose using 2B pencil. This was my very first session of life drawing and I wasn't too sure of what to expect at first because in the past I have really struggled with drawing people. However the introduction to life drawing by my tutor and getting tips and help on life drawing and how to draw the figure in different stages helped me to draw the model quite easily. It wasn't as difficult as I imagined it to be. Materials I used during this session were just a 2B pencil, paper and an eraser. My tutor showed us different techniques and tips to use to draw the model accurately, and I also used the techniques we had used in other sessions like measuring with the pencil, scale, proportion, negative and positive space, and shading. 

We also did quick excercise a before we started drawing to help us. We did timed sketches, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute and 30 seconds, and tried drawing with our opposite hand and not looking at the paper.

Areas of my work that worked well were the accuracy of my drawing because for my first time at life drawing I think it turned out quite well and I was pleased with it. I also thought my proportion and scale was good because I used the measuring with a pencil technique. I didn't have much time to add tone but the shading I did do was quite accurate I think. Areas of my work that didn't work so well were drawing the hands and feet because I really struggled to draw them, even wth help from my tutor. This is something I think I should practice in my own time so that I can draw the hands and feet properly in future life drawing sessions. To extend my skills, I practiced drawing hands and feet in my own time and I think I have improved slightly so with more practice I should be able to draw them accurately. I have also looked at examples of other people's life drawing work on the internet to compare it with my own.

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