Monday 2 February 2015

Watercolour Painting

During this session on the 2nd February 2015 we were using watercolours to paint the life model. Before we started doing this we used scissors and coloured paper to cut out the figure. This was to concentrate on the shape of the figure and was a different way of recording and made an abstract piece of work and was interesting because you could make something abstract from a real life object in front of you. This was a creative way of recording information. Both of my attempts at this technique looked pretty effective when I stuck them onto white paper and I like this idea.
For the rest of the session, we were using watercolours. The materials I used were watercolour paints, soft sable paintbrushes, water, paper and a 2B pencil. The techniques I used were sketching, measuring, painting and tonal study. The formal elements I looked at were shape and form, and colour and tone. 

I've never really painted with watercolours before so I wasn't sure about using them to paint the life model. Apart from the face and hands in my painting, I am pleased with it and the way it turned out looks quite effective. Areas of my work that could be improved are adding a little more contrast by adding a few darker tones. I could also improve the face and hands because I didn't have time to complete them. The proportions could also be improved a bit because they are a bit out. Areas of my work I think worked well are the way I have blended the colours and my colour mixing of accurate skin tones.

To extend my skills I had practiced doing some more watercolour painting at home in my own time and have looked at other watercolour paintings online.

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